On October 13, 1884, exactly 33 years to the day before the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Pope Leo XIII had a terrifying vision of the future of the Church. With a handful of cardinals and Vatican staff members in attendance, Pope Leo XIII had finished celebrating Mass in the Vatican Chapel. He suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar, his face having turned ashen white, and remained there standing for about ten minutes in a trance-like state.
Later, when asked what had happened, Pope Leo XIII said that as he was about to leave the altar he heard two voices. One voice was of a kind and gentle nature, while the other voice was guttural and grating. He listened to the voices, which seemed to emanate from the tabernacle, and overheard the following conversation:
The voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to our Lord: “I can destroy your Church.”
The gentle voice of our Lord: “You can? Then go ahead and do so.”
Satan: “To do so, I need more time and more power.”
Our Lord: “How much time? How much power?
Satan: “75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service.”
Our Lord: “You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them what you will.”
After having the vision, Pope Leo immediately went from the Vatican Chapel to his private office and wrote the “Prayer to Saint Michael”, giving with it the instructions that it be prayed after all Low Masses.
The practice of reciting this powerful prayer after Mass continue for decades, until it was officially suppressed after Vatican II. Removing the obligation to recite this prayer (along with the three Hail Marys, the Hail Holy Queen, and the prayer for the Church) after Low Mass did not mean forbidding its use either privately or publicly, and Pope John Paul II recommended its use, saying:
“Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against the forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world.”
It is important to understand that the Church has been under attack for centuries. Most of the attacks have come from outside sources or low level infiltration. One of the biggest attacks on the Church was when Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church and millions of people left the Sacraments of Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation and Holy Orders. The single largest attack on the Church happened when the Papal throne was usurped and continues to be the seat of apostasy. This video will give you a foundation of what is going on in the Vatican today and over the last 60 years from Pope John XXIII to the current Pope.
"A pope is elected!" (Vatican Radio - Oct. 26, 1958 A.D.)
(L/R) His Excellency, Cardinal Siri of Genoa, Italy prior to the 1958 Conclave; Unmistakable white smoke seen billowing forth from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel on October 26, 1958 for a full five minutes (which was witnessed by more than 200,000 joyous Catholic Faithful in St. Peter's Square) indicating that a Pope had been elected from within the conclave. Millions of others listening via radio throughout Italy and Europe heard the Official Vatican Radio broadcaster shout exultantly: "A pope is elected!"
"Hail Gregory XVII, Most Holy Father, Necessary Pastor." -Monk of Padua, 18th Century: noted for his prophesies of the last 20 popes in time
"He, Pope Gregory XVII, admitted in front of me that 'He was Pope Gregory XVII'. His (this) confirmation took place in Rome on June 14, 1988.
In the Passion of Christ nobody stand up to say one word to protect Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Passion of the Church, who stand up to protect
the true pope Gregory XVII in Exile? Nobody." (Written statement of Fr. Khoat, who met with the Hostage Pope, His Holiness, Gregory XVII)
Antipope John XXIII called Vatican Council II. In the video above: Papal Imposters, it says that Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was groomed for taking over the papal throne through the Freemason strategy.
The conclave elected Cardinal Siri to be the pope and the grace of the Holy Spirit went to Cardinal Siri who took the name: Gregory XVII. The Freemasons wanted someone to have the grace of the Holy Spirit be on someone other than their candidate because they do not want any conversions.
When Father Roncalli was a priest, he was actually kicked out of the Lateran Seminary in Rome for teaching things contrary to the Catholic Church. He is not a candidate to be a true pope but a perfect person to be an antipope.
Please find information that is on the contrary otherwise the Conciliar Church, not the Catholic Church, considers him a saint.
Why would antipope Paul VI change all seven Sacraments?
Why would Anti-Pope Paul VI take the artwork from a university that was condemned by the Holy Office of the Church and resurrect it to come up with the contorted Papal Crosier? Why would Anti-Pope Paul VI have Archbishop Bugnini come up with a new Mass that is less offensive to the Protestants? Why would Anti-Pope Paul VI change the rite of ordination to the priesthood and also change the rite for consecration of bishops? Why would Anti-Pope Paul VI want to build relations with the Orthodox when he is an anti-pope?
The revolution of Vatican II and promulgation of the new Sacraments continue with Antipope John Paul I. He was forced to carry the contorted papal crosier as a sign of consistency from pope to pope who are promoting the Conciliar Church new religion.
Antipope John Paul I was heard arguing with the Secretary of State of the Vatican the night before he died. It was understood that he was going to rid the Vatican of Freemasons and did not have the opportunity to do it. He died after 33 days in office.
As Cardinal Siri continues to be the true pope in hiding, the conclave brings out Antipope John Paul II. It was said that the reason why he traveled so much, including having world youth days, is to stay away from the Vatican Curia who were running things.
Antipope John Paul II did many wonderful things for the Church but some very evil things as well. He brought all religions together in Assisi and put himself in heresy. He did several other things including kissing the Quran, worshipping with other religions and more.
Benedict XVI praying like Muslims toward Mecca in a mosque, with arms crossed in the Muslim prayer gesture called “the gesture of tranquility,” on Nov. 30, 2006
Benedict XVI is Joseph Ratzinger. Joseph Ratzinger was one of the most radical theologians at Vatican II, where his ideas were influential in guiding the revolutionary course of the council.
At Vatican II, Ratzinger hung around with notorious heretics such as Karl Rahner. And even though he was a priest, Joseph Ratzinger showed up at Vatican II not in clerical garb, but in a suit and tie.
Ratzinger was named a “cardinal” by Paul VI in 1977, and became Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith five years later.
On October 4, 2019, Pope Francis blessed the controversial pagan “Pachamama” statue in the Vatican gardens, as a special prelude to the opening of the Amazon Synod. Numerous bishops, cardinals and theologians condemned the ceremony.
Cardinal Burke went so far as saying that “diabolical forces” have entered St Peter’s Basilica. He supported the December 12 day of prayer and reparation organized by some faithful Catholics and clergy in France.
Cardinal Burke likewise said: “Something very grave happened during the special assembly of the Bishops’ Synod for the Amazon region. An idol [Pachamama] was introduced into St Peter’s Basilica – the figure of a demonic force.
There have been more than 40 antipopes in the 2000-year history of the Catholic Church. An antipope is a bishop who claims to be the pope, but was not canonically elected as Bishop of Rome (i.e., supreme pontiff). Here is a list of the 42 antipopes that the Church had to contend with before Vatican II:
1. St. Hippolytus (reconciled with Pope St. Pontian and died as martyr to the church), 217-235;
2. Novatian, 251-258;
3. Felix II (confused with a martyr with the same name and thus considered an authentic pope until recently), 355-365;
4. Ursicinus (Ursinus), 366-367;
5. Eulalius, 418-419;
6. Laurentius, 498-499, 501-506;
7. Dioscorus (legitimate perhaps as opposed to Boniface II but died 22 days after election), 530;
8. Theodore (II) (opposed to antipope Paschal), 687;
9. Paschal (I) (opposed to antipope Theodore), 687;
10. Theofylact, 757;
11. Constantine II, 767-768;
12. Philip (replaced antipope Constantine II briefly; reigned for a day and then returned to his monastery), 768;
13. John VIII, 844;
14. Anastasius III Bibliothecarius, 855;
15. Christoper, 903-904;
16. Boniface VII, 974, 984-985;
17. John Filagatto (John XVI), 997-999);
18. Gregory VI, 1012;
19. Sylvester III, 1045;
20. John Mincius (Benedict X), 1058-1059;
21. Pietro Cadalus (Honorius II), 1061-1064;
22. Guibert of Ravenna (Clement III), 1080 & 1084-1100;
23. Theodoric, 1100-1101;
24. Adalbert, 1101;
25. Maginulf (Sylvester IV), 1105-1111;
26. Maurice Burdanus (Gregory VIII), 1118-1121;
27. Thebaldus Buccapecuc (Celestine II) (legitimate but submitted to opposing pope, Honorius II, and afterwards considered an antipope), 1124;
28. Pietro Pierleoni (Anacletus II), 1130-1138;
29. Gregorio Conti (Victor IV), 1138;
30. Ottavio di Montecelio (Victor IV), 1159 -1164;
31. Guido di Crema (Paschal III), 1164-1168;
32. Giovanni of Struma (Callixtus III), 1179-1180;
33. Lanzo of Sezza (Innocent III), 1179-1180);
34. Pietro Rainalducci (Nicholas V), antipope in Rome, 1328-1330;
35. Robert of Geneva (Clement VII), antipope of the Avignon line, 1378-1394);
36. Pedro de Luna (Benedict XIII), antipope of the Avignon line, 1394-1423;
37. Pietro Philarghi Alexander V, antipope of the Pisan line, 1409-1410;
38. Baldassare Cossa (John XXIII), antipope of the Pisan line, 1410-1415;
39. Gil Sanchez Munoz (Clement VIII), antipope of the Avignon line, 1423-1429;
40. Bernard Garnier (the first Benedict XIV), antipope of the Avignon line, 1425-1429;
41. Jean Carrier (the second Benedict XIV), antipope of the Avignon line, 1430-1437;
42. Duke Amadeus VIII of Savoy (Felix V), November 5, 1439 -1449 (Wikipedia).
43. No declared antipopes now for 576 years (2025 – 1449 = 576).
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