Is it okay to attend Mass at the Novus Ordo since I do not know what else to do? Absolutely not
The Novus Ordo Mass was created by Antipope Paul VI who had no authority to change any of the Sacraments. A FREEMASON, Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, was the one who created the Novus Ordo and Antipope Paul VI signed off on it and made it his own.
If your parish priest celebrates Mass in Latin at your parish, it is probably the Novus Ordo in Latin and very beautiful. The problem is that your priest is a Novus Ordo priest ordained in the Novus Ordo rite and the ordaining bishop was consecrated in the Novus Ordo. Therefore, the Mass, the priest and the bishop are all invalid and doubtful.
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) is a clerical Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right, that is, a community of priests who do not take religious vows, but who work together for a common mission in the Catholic Church, under the authority of the Holy See. They were canonically erected by Antipope John Paul II in 1988.
FSSP, even though they offer the traditional Mass, they provide doubtful Sacraments because they are all ordained in the traditional rite but by a bishop who was consecrated in the Novus Ordo which was created by Antipope Paul VI which is most likely invalid. The Sacraments and work they do is all doubtful.
Archbishop Lefevre was ordained a priest by Cardial Lienart. He then was consecrated a bishop by Cardinal Lienart. Later we find out that Cardinal Lienart was a high-ranking FREEMASON and it is possible, then, that Lefevre was not even legally ordained a priest or consecrated a bishop. The foundation was compromised.
PROBLEM: Lefevre was ordained a priest and consecrated a bishop by one bishop and that bishop was a FREEMASON. Achille, Cardinal Lienart. Bishop of Lille. He was formerly a captain in the French Army, and a life-long ultra-Liberal. He led the progressive forces at the Second Vatican Council, on which account it was said that ‘his ideas were redder than his robes’. Shortly before his death he startled those in the room by suddenly exclaiming: ‘Humanly speaking, the Church is dead.’ Initiated October 15th, 1912. Code name could not be verified.
It is possible that the bishops and ordained clergy are all compromised in SSPX and need to be validated. Everything that they have rests on Cardinal Lienart.
The bishop and priests of SSPX should be concerned about this FACT and consider the consequences. If they respond to you by saying, "we are valid," then avoid them until they can prove it.
Here is the founder of the Legionaries of Christ saying the Novus Ordo Mass.
This group follows the Novus Ordo Conciliar Church and supports all of the Vatican II antipopes and the documents of Vatican II.
This is part of the new religion which is not Catholic and is highly doubtful.
The Anglican Church is not seen as valid but still offers the Eucharist under bread and wine. Is this valid? No, they removed the same prayers as Luther and Cranmer and is very similar to the Novus Ordo.
Pope Leo XIII declared Anglican Orders "absolutely null and utterly void" and the Novus Ordo is basically the same rite as the Anglicans.
The invalid New Rite of Ordination to the priesthood.
The Problem with Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP)
Why the New Rite of Episcopal Consecration is invalid.
Bishops in the new rite have invalid consecrations and not recognized by the true Catholic Church
People like Bishop Strickland can be very dangerous for people to follow because he is not sharing with us the whole picture of the Vatican II sect and all of the antipopes. If he only sees a portion of the deception, he then can be a problem.
There are many representatives in the Conciliar Church which is eclipsing the true Catholic Church so be careful on how you move forward.
Vatican II Documents lead people into a pseudo-anti Church. This is not Catholic, but it is the "Whore of Babylon" which people are called to "come out of her."
People need to return to the Sacraments of the Catholic Church before the anti-popes changed everything.
What is a Freemason?
"For example, in his 1873 encyclical Etsi Multa, Blessed Pope Pius IX detailed Masonic political attacks on the Church in Italy, Switzerland, and Germany. He referred to the Masonic “deceits and machinations” as forming “the synagogue of Satan” in reference to the second and third chapters of the Book of Revelation," (CNA).
What is a Modernism?
"In general we may say that modernism aims at that radical transformation of human thought in relation to God, man, the world, and life, here and hereafter, which was prepared by Humanism and eighteenth-century philosophy, and solemnly promulgated at the French Revolution."[3]
What has been taken from you? What taken from God? Intensity of the Per ipsum.
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